Intraoperative OCT Helps Glaucoma Surgery

The Green surgery can help you use the Green surgery to help you use the glaucoma by using the glaucoma, which allows you to delay the diagnostics on the operation plane.When you can use the intraopericense Tomphysical Technology (OCT) to provide visualization of the ophthalmicroscope.In this post, Dr. Ozana, the second Open angle green glaucoma (POAINA) of the primary opium-language experience.Nullb fiber-tabecuated block of the glaucoma surgery, after the glaucoma surgery

73 years ago, 73-year-old male patient with chronic nuclear POG) has been suffering from chronic nuclear power (chronic POG).Unfortunately, IOP interface (IOP interface) was not expected to be less likely to be found in front eye-eye part inspection.The surgery was held under local anesthesia.Standard needle ring was used to use the needle of 25gauge needle flap and conjunctiva.The Interneter Active OCT is used to visualization of two different aspects of visualization, and provides good control features.Verified that there was no cyst wall in the Internet with the Internet.Local massage was also held during the treatment.After arbitration, I checked the flow of filtering by using the InspironT to verify the flow of filtering by using the Internet.Verified the drain on the sky flap.

Figure 1: Using Intraoperative OCT for surgery, visualize two different planes as they appear on the 3D visualization system screen.

Clinical case of glaucoma surgery 2 Needling of post-trabeculectomy failed flat blub Needling of flat blubber that failed after main resection

Clinical case of glaucoma surgery 2 Needling of post-trabeculectomy failed flat blub Needling of flat blubber that failed after main resection

Figure 2: Intraoperative OCT helped visualize the surgical surface and the space created by the operation.위 임상 사례에서 볼 수 있듯 Intraoperative OCT는 녹내장 수술 과정에서 수술 면을 시각화하고 배수를 잘 확인할 수 있도록 함으로써 수술을 지원하는 데 유용한 도구로 사용할 수 있습니다.※ Please note that off-label uses of products may be discussed. Check with the regulators to see if they have clear instructions for use in your area. The healthcare professionals’ statements included in the clinical case do not belong to Leica Microsystems, but reflect only their opinions and personal experiences. Also, it does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institution to which you belong.Let me show you the original textHow Intraoperative OCT Helps Obtain Greater Insight in Glaucoma SurgeryLearn about the use of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in glaucoma surgery and how it helps to see subsurface tissue details.www.leica-microsystems.comHow Intraoperative OCT Helps Obtain Greater Insight in Glaucoma SurgeryLearn about the use of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in glaucoma surgery and how it helps to see subsurface tissue details.www.leica-microsystems.comHow Intraoperative OCT Helps Obtain Greater Insight in Glaucoma SurgeryLearn about the use of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in glaucoma surgery and how it helps to see subsurface tissue details.www.leica-microsystems.comHow Intraoperative OCT Helps Obtain Greater Insight in Glaucoma SurgeryLearn about the use of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in glaucoma surgery and how it helps to see subsurface tissue